La Santiano s.r.l was founded in Pinerolo in 1963 as a desire of Mr. Adolfo Santiano as an individual company specialising in the construction of mechanical parts. The entrepreneurial capabilities of the founder and the willingness to use technologically advanced machinery, coupled with the increasing professionalism of its employees, have enabled the company to consolidate its presence on the market over the years by acquiring more and more significant clients.
- In 1999 a new production unit was launched with the purchase of an industrial facility located at 7 Via Marconi, in Roletto.
- In 2001, the founder conceded ownership to Carosso Silvia, Maccario Angelo, Dario’s Bank, Giay Gianetto Mauro, but remained Honorary President.
- In 2006, the Board of Directors was restructured to include Silvia Carosso, Giay Gianetto Mauro and Banchio Dario, currently the Company’s Legal Representative.
- During 2008, the old site of Via Roma in Roletto was discontinued and the production activities were transferred to the new site of Via R. Incerti in Pinerolo, to the current location of the company’s head office, the “La Porporata” Industrial Area. The total occupied surface area is about 9300 sqm, of which 4300 sqm. is covered. Currently it employs approximately 36 workers.
- In March 2014 BINFAITH k.f.t was founded in Debrecen, the Hungarian branch of Santiano (
The flexibility of our machine tools, our continuous drive to find new machining techniques and the desire to master our field have provided us the opportunity to engage in significant collaboration projects and many interesting projects with different companies.
- Manufacturing of moulds and hot moulding equipment with both vertical and horizontal presses.
- Design and manufacturing of moulding machines and equipment for the moulding of brake pads;
Processing and finishing of moulded, forged and machined automotive parts.
Processing, construction and finishing of bearing rings
Design and manufacturing of tools for mechanical and/ or hydraulic clamping of mechanical parts.
In 2008, the company installed a vacuum treatment facility for steel sheets in its interior.